April 13, 2020
To the members of the WMUA:
Some have asked, but all are thinking… What is going on with 2020 dues? These are certainly unprecedented times. I pray that this passes before summer ball so we can all get back to doing what we love. All I can say at this point, is that the board is collecting and weighing all the information we can. There has been no decision made on this matter. I realize it is not the answer that anyone is looking for, however, it is a decision that requires more discussion. I promise you; we are looking at this situation from all sides. This will be item number 1 at the executive board meeting on June 7th. You will receive communication from the new board on the decision that was made.
If you have any questions or concerns, the best thing to do is email me directly at ndswimr00@aol.com. I will compile all responses and present them at the board meeting for discussion.
In the meantime, take care of yourselves and your families. Stay strong, healthy, and safe.
Your friend in officiating,
Nick Sweeney