Letter from the President...

April 01, 2021 10:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

To all WMUA members...PLAY BALL!!!

After an unfortunate cancelled 2020, baseball and softball is finally here. With only a few minor changes and protocols we are able to move on with our season.

I want to thank everyone who attended our Zoom meetings and clinics. Hopefully next year we can go back to in person meetings and clinics. With us being on the low end of returning members everyone should be able to get as much officiating in as they want.

Be sure to help out our assignors by having your Arbitor blocks up to date and always try to accept those games asap. Even if its a slight change go in and accept the change. Mother nature always has a say in our season. So be patient with the changes that might occur. 

Arrive to games early, communicate with your partner. Pregame certain situations, post game if you need to. If you have questions ask a veteran or your specific Director. But most important...JUST HAVE FUN!!!

Have a safe season :)

Kirk VanderLaan

WMUA President

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